The Brag

About The Brag

We hit the streets every Sunday evening, somewhere near you. And if you think we should be somewhere near you, but you can’t find us, you might want to email distribution at or phone (03) 9428 3600.

SEND MAIL TO: 8A Marlborough Street, Surry Hills, 2010

  1. It was a cold morning, walking the streets of Dee Why on wednesday morning. I have a few hours to spare, so I walked into a local music store, bought a nickleback CD and picked a copy of brag.
    As i was flipping through the pages, I noticed in a bold heading “Tyler back in Aerosmith” (issue 352 march 8th 2010). Being an Aerosmith fan I read on.
    “A band that hasn’t been even remotely great in two decades” I beg to differ.
    “Back by popular demand with more spit and fire than ever before” on their website
    Their 1980 album went multi platnim – wikipeidia
    Succesful guitar hero game – which I own.
    Also having huge hits such as “Dude (Looks like a lady)”, Living on the edge” and “I don’t wanna miss a thing” made famous in 1998. Excatly 11 years ago, proving they have been great in the past decade.
    The band hit the road for the Rockin’ the Joint Tour on October 30 2006 – wikipeidia

    P.S. you actually have a pretty good magazine, keep up the good work.

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